Medical Billing & Coding Services for Illinois Providers
Medical Billing in Illinois for Providers & Practices

Our medical billing & coding services are provided to practicing providers and groups in Illinois by utilizing the latest in information transfer technology!
The medical billing company you choose to handle your medical billing and management functions should be experts at what they do, and more importantly, experts at increasing provider revenue… not just a company that is close to your practice in Illinois, but someone who genuinely cares about you, your revenue and your practice.
With successful and satisfied clients all over the United States… the medical billing company that most successful Illinois Providers choose is Outsource Management Group, LLC.
Illinois Medicare Contractor for Part B services is Wisconsin Physician Services (WPS). They offer many resources on their provider portal, including live training via the web. The training tools offered are seminars, teleconferences, and webinars. They also offer on demand training through the WPS Medicare website. This tool can offer to prove to be very informative, as they have a long listing of topics that you may choose from and get more information about that specific topic.
On demand training also allows the opportunity to complete Medicare training programs around your schedule. On demand training programs are brought to you through the WPS Medicare website and they utilize audio (recorded teleconferences) audio/visual (via slide shows with narrative or Mediasite, or visual (slide shows) to discuss and learn about many topics.
Some other options for training are the seminars. The seminars are intended for Medicare Part B providers and billing staff who bill on the CMS 1500 claim forms or the electronic equivalent. Don’t forget to sign up early for the live seminars, as attendance is limited. If you have a large office that will want to listed in on the seminar, just utilize one telephone line and teleconference the call as the space is limited for attendees.
For the teleconferences section, providers and staff are able to click on the particular teleconferences of their choosing and select future dates that you plan on attending and then easily schedule to phone in on that particular event day.
For all intents and purposes, the on demand training sessions are well worth your time as you can pick and choose the main subject areas that you wish to learn more about in the WPS Medicare Contractor website. You will find that WPS makes available many, many topics and of those topics, many contain common questions with answers that offices often ask the most.
Most of the topics contain specific information that will help assist billing staff and providers in how to bill specific procedures and what will be required on the CMS-1500’s to bill clean claims without rejections to get the claim paid the first time billed.
Partner with the leading medical billing firm & increase your revenue now!
By utilizing our medical billing for Illinois physicians you are taking the first step to increasing your revenue. As your business partner, we become a seamless part of the daily function and overall financial health of your practice. We take great pride in continually verifying that our Illinois providers are being reimbursed for everything they deserve. Contact us today if you’re working long, hard hours and tired of needing more revenue. We will become your partner and guide you to a better bottom line!