Outsource Management Group Provider Help Center

Welcome to the Provider Help and Information Center

Welcome to our provider help center where we hope to help you find answers to the most frequently asked questions about practice management, outsourcing, billing, coding… a list of provider resources, etc.

We strive to provide all the information necessary for providers to make informed decisions about their practice. If for any reason your question or concerns are not answered here, contact us to ask us anything, we are here to help.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Need assistance, have questions that need answered? Visit our faq center to view answers to frequently asked questions about medical billing, coding services and OMG, LLC. Additionally, you can ask us anything that you don’t find an answer to.

Learn The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Management Functions

Why would a Provider outsource certain day to day functions of their practice to an outside management firm? Why would a Provider trust their revenue cycle to anyone else? These are some of the questions we answer in this section.

Visit The Provider Resource Center

We provide a categorized list of medical and management related resources for providers including web sites for Medicare, Medicaid, Home Health, etc. We feel that providing these resources will save providers and their staff time that can be utilized to increase revenue.

Learn More About Our Company

Learn more about how Outsource Management Group started and where we are today. We want you to better understand the history of our company, our mission and what our management services can do for your practice.

Learn More About Our Management Team

Learn more about our CEO, DOO, management and billing support staff. View images of our management staff and read their bios to better understand who we are and what we’re about. We feel it’s extremely important to be transparent and for you to know who we are before you even contact us to discuss your practice needs.

Compare Medical Billing Companies

We provide a list of current medical billing, coding and practice management companies for providers to compare. We feel that comparing provider services, fees, turn-around, follow-up, etc., is very important to the overall financial health of your practice.

View Our Billing, Coding and Management Articles

We provide a categorized blog of unique articles written by our staff and occasional guest authors on numerous topics related to medical billing, coding, health records and practice management functions to assist in the daily functions of your practice.

View our Categorized Archive of all Past Articles

Visit the article archives to learn more about medical billing, coding or other practice management functions. View by date or search the archives to find something specific to your needs.

Partner with the leading medical billing firm & increase your revenue now!

As an extension of your business, we become a seamless part of the daily function and financial health of your practice. We are continually striving to verify that you’re being reimbursed for everything that you deserve.

Contact us today if you’re working long, hard hours and tired of needing more revenue. We become your partner and guide you to a better bottom line!

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