Archive for the Week of March 16, 2007

Archive for the Week of March 16, 2007

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the week of March 16, 2007.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the week of March 16, 2007.

You can browse this week's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

How Cyber Secure Is Your Medical Billing?

The protection of medical billing personal health information is a priority. Criminals are constantly trying to access the information, while health care professionals try desperately to protect it. Computers and electronics may be a medical billing time saver, but when it comes to security, some practices fall a little short. There are many examples of good practices. A good example is found at The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. This facility has recently solved this electronic medical billing security problem with an innovative new system. PostX is the program of choice at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. This is a messaging system that was developed for seamless integration and extremely secure

Confused About Flu Shots?

During flu season, flu shots are common in the medical billing world. Like everything else, there are many different flu current procedural terminology codes from which to choose. There are three steps to follow to ensure your flu shot medical billing is completely accurate. The first step is to figure in the age of the patient. Any patient who is age three and above should be given one of two medical billing codes: 90656 or 90658. The medical billing code 90656 stands for: influenza virus vaccine, split, virus, preservative-free, for use in individuals 3 years of age and above, for intramuscularly use. The code 90658 in medical billing means: Influenza

Caution When Using Modifier 59 in 2007

Modifiers can be a helpful addition to medical billing. However, there are certain modifiers that are constantly used incorrectly. The contractors for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are now keeping an eye out for suspicious modifiers. The medical billing modifier 59 is on the list of modifiers to flag for review. Recently, the U.S. Office of Inspector General released a report that showed some daunting medical billing news. Modifier 59 has been the cause of over $59 million in overpayments to nursing homes and providers. Due this large number of overpayments, Medicare contractors will be closely scrutinizing each medical billing submission that contains the modifier 59. Another medical

Medical Billing Tips for Cardiac Rehab in 2007

Cardiac rehabilitation staff members have great medical billing news coming their way. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded coverage for cardiac rehab. The medical billing element for cardiac rehabilitation will be much less strict when it comes to requirements. In the past year, the requirements in order to get medical billing reimbursement for cardiac rehab were strict. You had to have a heart attack, angina, or coronary artery bypass surgery. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services now realizes that this type of care does not prevent any problem from occurring. It was merely reactive treatment. In December of 2005, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced

Medical Billing for Auditory Rehabilitation

Medical billing in the speech, language, and hearing community is looking a little brighter, medical billing reimbursement will be nearly four times the old amount for this code.There was a dramatic increase in the amount in 2006, however many practices are not taking advantage of this increase. The current procedural terminology code 92626 (Evaluation of auditory rehabilitation status; first hour) was reimbursable at $22.07. This has changed. Medical billing now allows this code to be valued at $81.76. The relative value unit (RVU) used to calculate this medical billing reimbursement was 2.20. Originally the RVU was 0.55. The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) was the reason the RVU was

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