Archive for The Day of August 12th, 2005

Archive for the Day of August 12th, 2005

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of August 12th, 2005.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during August 12th, 2005.

You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Outsourcing Your Medicare Medical Billing Claims

Outsourcing Your Medicare Medical Billing Claims In order to participate in Medicare, health care providers must:*Agree to file claims to Medicare on behalf of the patient.*Accept the allowed or approved amount of the claim as payment in full.*Write off any amount not paid by Medicare.*Make an attempt to collect the co-pay amount from the patient.*Accept assignment on all claims. If you are a physician that accepts Medicare patients, you are familiar with the billing and re-imbursement process and you know from filing CMS-1500 forms that it can take weeks for a claim that was manually filed to be handled and reimbursed by Medicare. Outsourcing your medical billing to a vendor

The Business of Medical Billing For Psychiatric Claims

The Business of Medical Billing For Psychiatric Claims Psychiatric medical billing can be confusing for a lot of people, and many times improperly coded medical billing claims will result in the medial billing getting kicked back. Some standard billing codes for the Psychiatric industry are as follows: The “Initial Psych Eval” causes a lot of confusion. Normally the 45 – 60 minute initial evaluation is billed under CPT code 90801 (whether it is a psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist). Psychiatric testing is another coding nightmare for a lot of people, normally it is billed under CPT code 96100 (regardless of the “type” of test – the CPT code is always the

What Is ICD-9-CM Coding System?

What Is ICD-9-CM Coding System? It almost sounds like the title to an Ed Wood film, but ICD-9 is actually a very efficient system of coding developed in a collaborative effort between the World Health Organization (WHO) and ten international medical centers, including one in the United States in an effort to streamline reporting of medical procedures. The purpose of this coding system is to promote international compatibility in the collection, classification, processing and presentation of health related statistics. In the United States, this coding system takes on another purpose as the HIPAA-mandated coding system used in medical billing. ICD-9 Clinical Modification (CM) is the system currently used in the

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