Archive for The Day of October 13th, 2005

Archive for the Day of October 13th, 2005

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of October 13th, 2005.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during October 13th, 2005.

You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Demonstrating Medical Necessity For Foot Orthotics

Demonstrating Medical Necessity For Foot Orthotics Along with medical a billing claim, many insurance companies require a letter of medical necessity to be sent along with the claim for orthotics. A letter of medical necessity could mean the difference between getting your claim paid or getting it denied. The letter of medical necessity for orthotics needs to have several elements to be sent along with a medical billing. The first necessary element of an orthotic letter of medical necessity is patient information. Along with the medical billing, the letter of medical necessity should always include the patient’s name, insurance information, and date of birth. This section should also include the

Getting Your Ob-Gyn Claims Paid With Correct Coding

Getting Your Ob-Gyn Medical Billing Claims Paid With Correct Coding There was a medical billing study done at the University of Illinois Hospital from 1999-2001. This was a study to see how many coding errors occurred in patients admitted for eclampsia and preeclampsia during this time. The study was astonishing. There were 67 total errors in this one study. Medical billing coding errors frequently happen with ob-gyn patients. Surprisingly, in this medical billing ob-gyn study, over 80% of the coding errors happened with clinicians. That means actual doctors were, and are, incorrectly coding ICD-9 codes and CPT codes. Most of the time people blame the actual coder instead of the

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