Archive for The Day of May 23rd, 2006

Archive for the Day of May 23rd, 2006

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of May 23rd, 2006.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during May 23rd, 2006.

You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

What Exactly is Medical Practice Management?

Along with outsourcing your medical billing to a third party partner, you will also find it very beneficial to outsource your practice management to your medical billing partner. Most medical practice management involves four basic categories 1- Medical coding services2- Medical billing services3- Physician credentialing4- Consulting services Outsourcing your medical coding will be very beneficial to the day-to-day operations of your practice. Allowing an experienced company to handle your medical coding will not ensure that the proper codings will be used, but the latest changes and information to make sure you always get a maximum reimbursement on your medical billing claims will be assured. Along with proper coding go good

How to Avoid "Medically Unnecessary" Medical Billing Denials

There is very little more frustrating in the realm of medical care than to receive a medical billing claim returned and notated with the words of doom for any medical billing claim: “Medically Unnecessary Procedure”. This is frustrating because it essentially means the services were performed for free and won’t be reimbursed by the insurance carrier or Medicare. There’s little you can do in your practice to ensure that your medical billing claims have proper documentation to show medical necessity of the procedure. ECGs get regular scrutiny for the necessity of the procedure. If your staff is too overwhelmed by the day-to-day business of keeping your patients happy and your

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