Archive for The Day of May 26th, 2006

Archive for the Day of May 26th, 2006

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of May 26th, 2006.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during May 26th, 2006.

You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Medical Billing Partner

If you feel your practice is busy enough to outsource your medical billing to a third party partner, you’re making a smart choice. Just like any industry, there are medical billing partners that will fit the style of your practice and some that won’t. To find the best fit for your practice, do a little research on what services a medical billing partner could provide that would be valuable to your practice. Some physicians have been burned by doing business with medical billing companies that may have very good intentions and promised great results, but simply didn’t have the on the job experience to handle the myriad of unusual conditions,

Jumpstart your ECG Medical Billing with Correct Coding

When a patient has an ECG, it is usually for diagnostic purposes and if you don’t do the medical billing correctly to show the medical necessity of the procedure performed, it can result in the claim being only partially paid or completely denied by the carrier. The code range affected is: *93000 (Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; with interpretation and report) if the physician performed the ECG and the interpretation *93005 (… tracing only, without interpretation and report) if the physician performs an ECG with tracing only *93010 (… interpretation and report only) if the physician does not own the ECG equipment. When you need to prove

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