Archive for The Month of May, 2006

Archive for the Month of May, 2006

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the month of May, 2006.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the month of May, 2006.

You can browse this month's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Get Correctly Reimbursed For Your Discography

There are many different rules about bundling your medical billing claims. Some codes are included with others, while different codes can be separately reimbursed. A discography is a procedure that brings up a lot of questions. In medical billing, the question about whether or not to code per region or per disc. This is one instance in which you may get more reimbursement than expected. The AMA (American Medical Association) states that you can report per disk when doing medical billing for a diagnostic discography. The code 72295 (Discography, lumbar, radiological supervision and interpretation) should be billed for as many disks as you treat. Even if the discography is only

Continuous Care Medical Billing Claims Paid

If you have medical billing claims that include continuous care claims, be sure to meet the minimum requirements or your medical billing claim could get held up under review or worse – outright rejected. There has been a significant increase in the past 5 years of continuous care claims and those types of medical billing claims are being looked at on a closer level than ever before. The growth is legitimate as Americans are living to older ages than ever before. Watch the usage of modifiers when you’re billing for long-term care claims. There can be some issues raised with your claim if you use a modifier that does not

Are You Still Using Confirmatory Consult 99271?

If you’re seeing denials of your medical billing claims for confirmatory consultation and you aren’t sure why it is occurring, the Current Procedural Terminology codes were eliminated in January 2006. This change affected the way many treatments were approached and the amounts that practices will be reimbursed. A confirmatory consult in medical billing is defined as a visit where one physician confirms the opinion of another physician. The current procedural terminology codes used are 99271-99275 (Confirmatory consultation for a new or established patient) for a confirmatory consult. This code range is now defunct. There are now two options in medical billing for coding a confirmatory consult. You should either report

Proper Reporting for Medical Billing of Twins Delivery

If you have a medical billing claim to process that includes twins delivery and one was a traditional birth and the other a cesarean, you should report two codes. If both babies were delivered traditionally (vaginally), report only one code for both babies, as it will be considered one procedure. If there are no complications, the babies will both be born vaginally. You should report 59400 (Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery [with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps] and postpartum care) for the first baby and 59409-51 (Vaginal delivery only [with or without episiotomy and/or forceps]; multiple procedures) for the second baby. Your diagnosis code will be 651.01

Special Medical Billing Dilemma

With multiple births becoming more and more commonplace, the reporting of twins on medical billing claims has become more routine and there are some special considerations when filing out your medical billing claims. If both babies are born by cesarean, bill only once. Remember, the doctor delivers all of the babies–whether twins, triplets, or more–by cesarean, you should submit 59510-22. Report 59510 with modifier 22 (Unusual procedural services) appended, because even though only one incision was made, the modifier will testify to the fact that multiple babies were delivered. Be sure and include your medical documentation as to the reason for the necessity of the cesarean. If the babies were

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