Archive for The Month of August, 2006

Archive for the Month of August, 2006

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the month of August, 2006.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the month of August, 2006.

You can browse this month's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Medical Billing When There Isn’t An Exact CPT Code

Certain areas of the body do not have CPT codes for procedures, such as an MRI done on a hip of a patient. You need to use the codes 73721-73723 (Magnetic resonance imaging, any joint of lower extremity). The hip joint falls into this medical billing category because it is a lower extremity joint. Doing medical billing for bilateral hip MRIs is also a bit more complicated. Different payers require different modifiers for payment. For example, Medicare prefers that bilateral MRIs be reported with LT (Left side), and RT (Right side), along with the medical billing modifier 76 (Repeat procedure by same physician). You should check with the various payers

Denials Due to Code Non-Recognition

In some cases you may get a medical billing denial due to non-recognition of the coding used. In a lot of cases, this is due to the medical biller jumping the gun and using a code that was due to be released too early for reimbursement. Normally when a new code is introduced, an effective date will be set and that is the given date for all service providers to begin using that particular billing code. It is not permissible for carriers to deny claims for no recognition if the code effective date has passed. There are instances in medical billing where code no recognition is acceptable. A payer can

To Bundle or Not to Bundle That is the Question

In medical billing, there are many Ob-Gyn codes that should be bundled, while others should not be bundled. The current procedural codes 58720 and 57283 frequently bring up this “to bundle or not to bundle” question in medical billing. It is important to know when to bundle certain Ob-Gyn medical billing codes and when to bill them separately. The current procedural terminology code 58720 (Salpingo oophorectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral) can be billed completely separately from a colpopexy (57283). This means that if your physician does both of these services at the same time, you can do medical billing for both procedures. There is no bundling. Separate reimbursement

Why Use OMG?

Medical billing is a complex process that if not done correctly, can lead to a loss of revenue and underpayment on your claims. Outsourcing your medical billing can help eliminate some of these losses. There are several benefits to using a medical billing company. Studies have shown that nearly one-third of all medical services are never reimbursed to the health care provider. This is due to poor follow-up to insurance companies and to patients themselves for medical practices. Too often, medical office personnel are stretched to their limits. They are responsible for medical billing, advertising, scheduling, and customer service. Medical billing companies can alleviate some of this stress by taking

Real World Rehabilitation Medical Billing Reimbursements

The medical billing world has a new way of performing therapy for patients. Baton Rouge General Medical Center is changing the face of rehab therapy. The new rehab facility, “Around Town”, is helping patients adapt to the more practical aspects of life. While traditional therapy helps patients move their bodies again once again, this new therapy helps them adjust to real life situations. Payers may see a lot more of these types of medical billings come through their offices. The “Around Town” facility looks like the inside of a house or a home. It is equipped with a working kitchen, bedroom, living room with a chair and couch, and a

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