Archive for the Week of August 3, 2006

Archive for the Week of August 3, 2006

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the week of August 3, 2006.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the week of August 3, 2006.

You can browse this week's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Correct Billing for Same Day Services

Medical billing for same day services can sometimes be confusing. Only skilled professionals can tell the difference between same day services and code them correctly. A good example of same day services that can be confuses involve fine needle aspiration (FNA). If a FNA is performed on the same day as a more extensive procedure, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will only pay for the procedure that is more invasive. This is called the “sequential procedures policy” in medical billing. This usually occurs when a physician decides to do a FNA, but later after the procedure, decides it did not accomplish what it was supposed to. That same

Correct Medical Billing Reimbursements for Power Mobility Devices

Due to the unfortunate incidence of fraud, there are some strict medical billing requirements for getting reimbursed for power mobility devices. Additionally, the time the physician spends working on the extra documentation is also billed at the current rate of an extra $21.60 for the extra time spent on power mobility medical billing. Recently there was an increase in the amount of documentation that is needed to do medical billing for power mobility devices. Medicare requires the prescription, patient’s medical records and any other supporting information. Instead of lowering the amount of medical billing documentation for power mobility devices, Medicare decided to properly compensate for the extra time it creates.

Medicare to Conduct Reviews for Medical Billing Overpayments

The states of New York, California, and Florida are involved in a pilot demonstration led by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has hired a Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) to do extensive evaluation of medical billing claims for three years. You may be asking: What does this medical billing audit mean to your practice if you don’t reside in one of those states? If the demonstration in these three states is successful and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are able to recover money in medical billing overpayments, it could mean a lot to your practice. It would mean that the

Correct Medical Billing for Endoscopy Procedures

Endoscopic procedures are getting a closer look by Medicare and Medicaid. The University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital submitted claims from September 2001 to December 2003 for endoscopic procedures that were found in an audit conducted by both agencies to be billed incorrectly. In total costs, the hospital repaid over $500,000 combined to these organizations. There were two main reasons the medical billing was incorrect. Many of the procedures claimed that the head of surgeon, Ma Sundaram, performed the surgeries. In all actuality, most of the time, the head surgeon was not even present. The other reason the medical billing was incorrect was because medical necessity was not substantiated for

Using Disaster Related Codes in Medical Billing

Disasters such as 9/11 and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have made it apparent that medical billing needs to be able to reflect these unfortunate situations. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued new codes to reflect these conditions. Not all medical billers are aware of them and how to use them. The new condition code that should be used in medical billing for coding disaster related service claims is DR (disaster related). The new medical billing modifier is CR (Catastrophic/disaster related). Any institution can use either one of these codes, no matter what the location of the facility is. There is one exception to this rule. Suppliers and

Protection of PHI-Patients That Use DME Services

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of medical billing is protecting your patients’ PHI. Durable medical equipment (DME) companies can have just as much of a problem with confidentiality as any other medical facility or practice. There are four main tips for DME businesses to protect the medical billing PHI information. The first rule is medical equipment tracking. Some medical devices contain personal medical billing PHI information. When these devices are used by a patient, they could potentially breach that confidentiality if the information was not properly stored or disposed. It is much easier to track the device itself than to track the information the device gathers. Tracking devices

Accurate Medical Billing For Incision Codes

A common medical billing question is: When is it appropriate to use an incision code. This question comes up many times when the removal of foreign bodies occur. In only certain instances would you report an incision code in medical billing. When removing a foreign body, if the physician makes an actual incision to remove the object, then the proper incision medical billing code should be used. The two main incision codes are 10120 (Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; simple) and 10121 ( Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; complicated.) This seems fairly simple, however, there are certain medical billing qualifications incisions must meet. If

Determining One MD or Two in Billing Procedures

In the following scenario, how would you code it? A child presents to the ED with a very high fever and enough symptoms that the physician on duty suspects meningitis. A spinal tap is performed under moderate sedation. If the same doctor performed the sedation and the spinal tap, you would report it as 99143-99145 (moderate sedations services….performed by the same physician), however if two separate physicians performed the sedation, then you would need to identify the procedures as two separate procedures by two different physicians and use 99148-99150 (moderate sedation services …provided by a physician other than the health care professional performing the diagnostic or therapeutic service). You will

Understanding Medical Billing and Revenue Codes

Not all medical billing is generated from physician’s services. Sometimes services are rendered to patients and the medical billing created from those procedures need to be submitted to the various insurance carriers, but they also need three things: a price, a procedure code, and a revenue code. Revenue codes indicate to the type of service that you are billing for; revenue codes are 3-digit codes, and those revenue codes must match up with specific procedure codes to designate what services were rendered. For instance, if you are using a 360 revenue code, you’re stating that the services rendered were performed in the operating room, and therefore, the procedure codes that

Changes Coming to Follow Up Care in September 2006

If your practice routinely provides burn or laceration follow up care, head’s up because after September of this year, there will be three new post-op codes added that will better detail the services rendered during the patient’s visit and should improve your reimbursement rate. Be sure and alert your staff that V58.3 will no longer be a valid code to use and the new three designations should be chosen from when coding the patient’s visit. The three new designations are as follows: * nonsurgical wound dressing change or removal, V58.30* surgical wound dressing change or removal, V58.31* suture removal, V58.32. Having more exact coding designations to go with the ICD-9

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