Archive for The Day of June 15th, 2007

Archive for the Day of June 15th, 2007

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the day of June 15th, 2007.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during June 15th, 2007.

You can browse this day's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Using Modifier 25 in Medical Billing

When claims require modifier 25, there are some simple tips you can use to know the modifier’s details, such as which code to append it to, as well as when to use the modifier. It is important to identify the claim makeup in order to solve the problem of which code to use modifier 25 with. Modifier 25 is a significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service by the same physician on the same day as the procedure or other service. Do you attach modifier 25 to the well visit or to the sick code? Modifier 25 can be applicable on either code. Therefore, the answer depends on the claim

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