Archive for The Month of January, 2009

Archive for the Month of January, 2009

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the month of January, 2009.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the month of January, 2009.

You can browse this month's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Cyber Secure Medical Billing

Cyber Secure Medical Billing The protection of medical billing personal health information is a big deal in today’s world. Criminals are constantly trying to access the information, while healthcare professionals try desperately to protect it. Computers and electronics may be a medical billing timesaver, but when it comes to security, some practices fall a little short. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has recently solved this electronic medical billing security problem with an innovative new system. PostX is the program of choice at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. This is a messaging system that was developed for seamless integration and extremely secure medical billing transmissions. It was designed to be able

Medical Billing CPT found for Transposition of Ovary

Medical Billing CPT found for Transposition of Ovary There are many procedures in which there is no particular medical billing code to represent it. For instance, an Oophoropexy is usually performed for radiation therapy, but what if it were performed for polycentric ovarian syndrome? Is there a CPT code to represent this? Knowing your options is an important trait in the medical billing world. In the oophoropexy example above, some medical billing staff members may use the current procedural terminology code 58825 (Transposition, ovary). Unfortunately, they would be incorrect. The definition of transposition is when an ovary is moved due to radiation therapy. Since radiation therapy is not being performed,

Medical Billing for Emergency Procedures

Medical Billing for Emergency Procedures Knowing when to use code 90782 in emergency department procedures can help with your medical billing reimbursements. For example, if a doctor examines a patient in the ED for an injury, and injects a preventative tetanus toxoid, your first instinct might be to use 90782 as a modifier for this procedure. But you would not receive a medical billing reimbursement because the incident to provision does not apply in the emergency department so you would not be able to justify having the doctor administer this injection. There would be no way to justify the medical necessity of such a shot. However, when you are in

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