Archive for The Month of February, 2009

Archive for the Month of February, 2009

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the month of February, 2009.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the month of February, 2009.

You can browse this month's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Medical Billing Conversion Factor Cut 4.4 Percent

Medical Billing Conversion Factor Cut 4.4 Percent Medical billing reimbursements are looking dismal for 2006. Although inflation rises, the Medicare conversion factor will lower from 2005 to 2006. You may need to find other areas in your practice to compensate for medical billing reimbursement loss. In early November of 2005, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services released the 2006 fee schedule for physicians. The Medicare conversion factor, that has a lot to do with payment fee schedules, was slashed by 4.4%. The medical billing conversion factor and relative value units are the two major factors used in the schedule construction. In 2005 the conversion factor was 37.8975. This year,

Medical Billing Mesh

Medical Billing Mesh Mesh placement medical billing can be a mess. Hernia repairs are very common, therefore mesh placements are very common. To keep your mesh placement medical billing accurate there are four steps to follow. There are many different types of hernias. Mesh placement in medical billing is only allowed for two types: ventral and incisional hernia repairs. The first step to correctly do medical billing for mesh is to be sure the surgery was a ventral or incisional hernia repair. The second medical billing step for mesh placement is similar to the first step. You must always remember that any other hernia repair will not reimburse separately for

Circumcision Medical Billing

Circumcision Medical Billing There are two main circumcision medical billing codes. Although one code is used more often, there are two that are acceptable. The two medical billing codes used for newborns circumcision are 54150 and 54160. 54150 means, circumcision, using clamp or other device; newborn. The current procedural terminology code 54160 means circumcision surgical excision other than clamp, device or dorsal slit; newborn. As you read a circumcision with any type of device or clamp uses the code 54150. Most physicians use this medical billing code because it is the most common way to perform a circumcision. Another important point to remember is to charge for a ring block

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