Archive for The Year of 2014

Archive for the Year of 2014

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the entire year of 2014.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during 2014.

You can browse this year's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

Our Headquarters Will Be Moving This Month

It’s been a busy few weeks! As our client base and staffing needs continue to grow, Outsource Management Group will be moving its corporate headquarters this month. Over the next couple of weeks our corporate offices will be transitioning from our current location into a new 5,000+ sq ft. headquarters in the same area of Bloomington, Indiana. This move is allowing us to better accommodate the additional staff and equipment needed to continue to provide our current, as well as new clients with our leading medical billing services. Stay tuned for further updates, our new address and updated pictures of our new corporate facilities.

Press: We are Growing and Moving Again in 2014

As our client base and staffing needs continue to grow, Outsource Management Group will be moving its corporate headquarters in October 2014. Over the next 4 months our corporate offices will be transitioning from our current 4,000+ sq ft location into a new 5,000+ sq ft. headquarters in the same area of Bloomington, Indiana. This move will allow us to better accommodate the additional staff and equipment needed to continue to provide our current, as well as new clients with our leading medical billing services. We’re very excited with the exponential growth we’ve seen from 2012 through 2014 so far, and expect to see nothing but continued growth over the

Will the ICD-10 Delay Cost Providers More?

As we all know Senate voted to delay ICD-10 for a year, will the delay actually cost Providers more than if they had continued to prepare for the transition in October ’14?   With most Providers already well into their ICD-10 preparations, does it actually cost more to stop and delay now, then continue preparing next year, or will the delay allow Providers to be better prepared financially in 2015?   What are your thoughts?   Leave your comments and thoughts below.

Is the Senate Vote Good or Bad for ICD-10?

As we all know Senate voted to delay ICD-10 for a year, what’s your opinion on the future of ICD-10?   Is it a good thing for Providers that it was delayed? Is it good or bad for Hospitals?   What are your thoughts? Let us know your thoughts on the outcome of the vote.   Leave your comments and thoughts below.

Is Your Small Practice Ready for ICD-10?

It’s 193 days to ICD-10 and to be honest, that’s not much time! It’s time to get your practice ready to use ICD-10, but where do you begin? There’s no question it can be overwhelming! Here’s the steps we recommend to any Providers that ask. Let’s get started. Put One Person in Charge First things first, you need to assign the task of overseeing ICD-10 to someone on your staff. It doesn’t matter whether that person is the biller, a coder, the office manager, or someone else. Their goal is to lead the process, ensure things are on task and on target, and to oversee the details.   Develop a

2W03XYZ Change Other Device on Abdominal Wall

ICD-10 Procedure Code – 2W03XYZ Utilized for the procedure of Changing Other Device on Abdominal Wall.

2W03X7Z Change Intermittent Pressure Device on Abdominal Wall

ICD-10 Procedure Code – 2W03X7Z Utilized for the procedure of Changing an Intermittent Pressure Device on Abdominal Wall.

2W03X6Z Change Pressure Dressing on Abdominal Wall

ICD-10 Procedure Code – 2W03X6Z Utilized for the procedure of Changing a Pressure Dressing on Abdominal Wall.

2W03X5Z Change Packing Material on Abdominal Wall

ICD-10 Procedure Code – 2W03X5Z Utilized for the procedure of Changing Packing Material on Abdominal Wall.

2W03X4Z Change Bandage on Abdominal Wall

ICD-10 Procedure Code – 2W03X4Z Utilized for the procedure of Changing a Bandage on Abdominal Wall.

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