ICD-10 Articles : Medical Billing Blog

All ICD-10 Articles Added to Our Blog

This is the archive containing links to all ICD-10 articles written in our blog.

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5 Steps To Ensure Audit-Proof Medical Claims with ICD-10

You know how important submitting accurate medical claims are for the health of your practice. With a solid and detailed coding policy in place, your practice can ensure strong documentation to prove medical necessity for services that your physicians provide, and get paid accurately for those services. Follow these five easy steps to help you establish a policy that will save you from future audit:   Establish coding resources in your library Step 1: To design an effective coding policy, start with making sure that you adhere to the ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. Not keeping yourself up-to-date with these standard rules can land you into big trouble. The Official Guidelines

Published By: Steve Gray Stevenson | No Comments

ICD-10: Know ICD-9 And ICD-10 Differences Beforehand!

ICD-10 deadline is looming. The fear of October 2014 has sent the healthcare industry in a tizzy with many fearing for its accurate compliance. The haphazard preparation of the diagnostic codes is a disaster waiting to happen. Before chalking out the ICD-10 action plan for your practice and to ensure a smooth transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10, it would be wise for you to know the most crucial differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10. Lack of Specifics ICD-9 has been marred by a glaring lack of specification, for instance, the same injuries on opposite limbs comprise the same code. This leads to complexity and gives room for confusion on different levels.

Published By: Steve Gray Stevenson | One Comment

ICD-10 Preparation Steps and Tips for Medical Providers

As a Provider, ICD-10 preparation, and the subsequent upcoming transition can be a bit daunting. The first thing I recommend you do is to assign one individual to be the driving force behind the process and to oversee the details. This could be your coder, office manager, biller or anyone in your staff with the drive to make it as smooth as possible. Next, you should begin to develop your timeline. It’s important for you to have goals in place so that you can achieve your plan. One of the key elements you will need to do in your preparation is to identify the most common codes that your practice

Published By: Melissa Clark, CCS-P | No Comments

ICD-10, Be Financially Prepared Before October 2014

As a follow-up to my ICD-10 article yesterday, I thought it was definitely worth mentioning this article by Matt Dallmann over at Physicians Practice. My article focused mainly on the sheer number of codes and how I felt that would affect providers in their daily operations. In his article today, Matt discusses the potential, or actually, the likelihood for a delay in reimbursements as this transition takes place. As quoted below, he mentions that it will likely cause computer glitches, etc., causing delays and a headache for many providers. “There are a number of issues you should look out for, ranging from systemic changes to computer glitches. The expansion of

Published By: Melissa Clark, CCS-P | No Comments

A New Year Brings a New Code Set – ICD-10 in 271 Days

It’s the year of ICD-10. In a short 271 days we will be making the change from ICD-9 to ICD-10. There is a ton of great information available on making the transition in October, but in speaking with clients and colleagues, I see an impact that will take providers some time to get used to. A very notable change of ICD-10 that I feel will have the most impact is the sheer number of codes providers will be dealing with on a daily basis. ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes: As we all know, we will be transitioning to ICD-10 in October (as of right now anyway), and this is a huge change

Published By: Melissa Clark, CCS-P | No Comments