Medical Billing Blog: Section - Modifiers

Archive of all Articles in the Modifiers Section
This is the archive containing links to all articles written in the Modifiers section of our blog.
Click any of the article links below to read the entire article or browse another section to the right to read articles on another subject.

What About Modifier Q6?
Remember when medical billing used to be a simple affair of matching the procedure done with a couple of medical billing codes to describe what was done, attaching your documentation and then submitting your medical billing claim for reimbursement? Now we have codes for codes and modifiers and the need to when to bundle and when to not bundle with the goal being fair reimbursement for procedures done. Modifiers cause a lot of confusion for many medical billers. One such confusing modifier that is worth clarifying is Q6. This applies to Medicare medical billing claims only, but in a nutshell when one of your staff physicians takes a leave of …