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Wound Length Matters in Medical Billing

Wound Length Matters in Medical Billing

Published by: Melissa Clark, CCS-P on October 24, 2006

When a patient reports to the ED and requires laceration repair, the medical billing claim needs to address the length of the wound in order to be a properly filed claim. If the wound length is either not addressed or addressed incorrectly, the claim may be either denied, rejected or only partially paid. Additional factors can include whether or not there was a separate evaluation and how the service was managed during the encounter. Make sure all of these factors are documented in your medical billing claim.

Laceration repairs are very common in the ED, in fact a nationwide survey showed that every one in fifteen patients presenting in the ED needed some sort of wound repair; knowing how to file them correctly to get the maximum allowable reimbursement for the procedure will make a big difference to your practice. This will bring you into delicate territory, you want to be sure you bundle all the procedures however you don’t want to overcode the claim which will almost always cause a denial of the entire claim and you want to be careful not to undercode as the physician will wind up not getting properly reimbursed and this too will affect the bottom line of the practice.

There are three basic complexity levels: simple, intermediate and complex. First of all use the documentation to ascertain which level the wound is and then apply the proper coding from there. Use modifiers as necessary and always make sure that your medical documentation of the procedure is iron clad. Using these tips, your medical billing claims should always be accepted and reimbursed!

Published by: on October 24, 2006

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