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EHR Data Helps Scientists Detect Heart Failure Earlier

EHR Data Helps Scientists Detect Heart Failure Earlier

Published by: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO on May 17, 2017

Joint research between IBM Research and Sutter Health led to the development of methods for predicting heart failure using clues imbedded in patient records in Epic EHR technology.

Researchers observed the performance of machine learning models designed to detect prediagnostic heart failure in primary care patients using longitudinal data in EpicCare EHRs.

“Information that can be gained on populations of patients from longitudinal EHR data can be used to individualize care for a given patient,” Ng et al. stated. “Access to these data in combination with the rapid evolution of modern machine learning and data mining techniques offers a potentially promising means to accelerate discoveries that can be readily translated to clinical practice.”…


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Published by: on May 17, 2017

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