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How to Collaborate for EHR Usability

How to Collaborate for EHR Usability

Published by: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO on June 7, 2017

The number of health IT developers and products has increased significantly as a result of federal incentives for EHR adoption but correlates with the rise of provider dissatisfaction with the usability of these systems.

What providers expect from their EHR systems and what health IT developers deliver have proved not to be one in the same. This disconnect points to the need for the latter to focus on the needs of the former and deliver EHR technology that is user-centered.

Therefore, collaboration between health IT developers and clinical end-users is key to ensuring EHR systems are user-friendly in an industry rapidly adopting new technologies year after year to tackle new initiatives such as population health management and value-based care.

Collaboration between both sets of stakeholders begins by answering a simple but important question: What does EHR usability mean to clinicians? …


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Published by: on June 7, 2017

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