Medical Billing Blog with Medical Billing & Coding Info & Articles

Our blog contains news and articles relating to numerous healthcare sectors including revenue cycle management, medical billing, medical coding, ICD, HIPAA, practice management functions and more.

New Online Based Consulting Services
We at Outsource Management Group, LLC are happy to announce that we have added an online consulting service to our professional services to assist medical billing and coding colleagues, as well as physician’s who have there own in-house billing staff with tough billing, coding, compliance and management questions. Have you ever had trouble finding the correct code for your claim? Have you seen an increase in denied claims? Have you had trouble filling out your claim forms properly? Have you ever had trouble finding the correct modifier to use? Have you ever had any HIPAA concerns or issues? Do you need assistance with the correct usage of CPT, ICD9 or …
Happy Thanksgiving from OMG!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the staff of Outsource Management Group, LLC. We sincerely hope that you have a safe and happy holiday season.
OMG Moves Into It’s New 1200 Sq. Ft Location on 17th Street
Medical Billing Firm Moves Into New Location and Unveils New Website After Growing 200% in the First Year. Outsource Management Group is an industry leading medical billing & medical coding outsourcing company providing physicians with complete practice management solutions nationwide.The release of the new website and medical billing blog are indicative of Outsource Management Group’s commitment to being a leader in the industry by providing the best possible service and latest information and news. Outsource Management Group, LLC was born in early 2003 in a small home office but soon outgrew that office requiring the move to its current, much larger facility. Since moving into the current facility, Outsource Management …
OMG and Overseas Billing Outsourcing!
I thought this deserved at the very least, a small mention here. We receive emails and phone calls almost daily trying to get us to outsource our billing to some company overseas. It is getting so bad that it seems to me that everyone in India must be sitting in a room somewhere putting data into a computer for probably a very minimal income, while the owners of such companies get rich. I also feel it should be mentioned that we have taken a number of clients who have some serious dissatisfaction with american companies who do outsource overseas. They mentioned complaints of no payment, slow payment and more. My …
Medical Billing Software, Where To Start?
Have you performed a search lately for medical billing software on Google? It brings up approximately 1.2 million results, now mind you, alot of these sites have nothing to do with medical billing software, and alot of those that do sell the same software. I have no idea how many different types of medical billing software there are, nor do I care because there are only a couple of applications that I would recommend anyway. Those being Medisoft and Medical Manager. These 2 medical billing software applications perform essentially the same functions but with their own flare and various added features, however the prices vary quite a bit depending upon …
Medical Billing Opportunities
Before you pay for a medical billing at-home business opportunity, please read this. If you are looking for a home-based job using your computer, advertisements for medical billing may be appealing. These ads appear on the Internet and in the classified sections of local newspapers. They often claim that you can make as much as $20,000 to $45,000 a year working from home full – or part-time – no experience required. The Better Business Bureau warns consumers to be careful. By responding to such ads you may be asked to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for software and other materials. Complaints to the BBB about medical billing opportunities allege …
Abbreviations – Do They Really Save Time?
“In this day and age of accelerated documentation and compliance requirements and pressure to reduce risk exposure, multiple abbreviations and acronyms are used to expedite the required written processes and still provide time for patient care. Unfortunately, clear, correct, concise communication as well as patient safety suffers because of the habitual use of these shortcuts.” As the federal Department of Health and Human Services moves forward with proposed changes in coding systems using SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine by the College of American Pathologists) as a standard, habits of abbreviation must change to comply. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and other accreditation bodies are starting to …
HIPAA Civil Monetary Penalty Extended…
Regulations establishing procedures for the imposition of civil monetary penalties for violations of the privacy, electronic transactions and security rules of HIPAA will remain in place for another year, according to an interim final rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The procedural rule was slated to expire, but HHS opted to extend it until Sept. 16, 2005, to “avoid disruption of ongoing enforcement actions” while the agency continues to develop a “more comprehensive enforcement rule,” AHA News Now reported. The interim final rule did not address the 19 comments submitted to HHS in response to the original procedural rule, including those of the American Hospital …
New Diagnosis Codes Effective 10/1/2004
The new ICD-9 diagnosis codes went into effect on October 1st, 2004. In the past years, we had a three month grace period to use the new and revised codes. This year in 2004, CMS eliminated the grace period. Which means claims are going to be denied if you have not updated your diagnosis codes. If you have not already, you can view or download the 2004 code updates by visiting Those interested in the proposed new diagnosis coding sytem, ICD-10-CM, being developed as a replacement for ICD-9-CM, volumes 1 and 2, should visit