Archive for the Week of November 12, 2005

Archive for the Week of November 12, 2005

Welcome to the medical billing blog archive for the week of November 12, 2005.

Here you will find links to every article added to the Outsource Management Group web site during the week of November 12, 2005.

You can browse this week's archives by clicking the "More" button from any of the excerpts below.

What Does A Non-compliance Claim Really Do?

What Does A Non-compliance Claim Really Do? If you think medical billing non-compliance is something that you can forget, think again. Nursing homes, especially, may see more instances of past non-compliance issues coming back to haunt them. Not only do you need to be aware of current compliant issues, but keep track of your old non-compliant instances as well. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced that state surveyors should not only investigate current noncompliance medical billing issues, but also past noncompliance. This means that if a surveyor comes to your nursing home for a visit, your past medical billing noncompliant issues may come back to haunt you. The

OB-Gyn Medical Billing – Bundling OB-Gyn Claims

OB-Gyn Medical Billing – Bundling OB-Gyn Claims In medical billing, there are many Ob-Gyn codes that should be bundled, while others should not be bundled. The current procedural codes 58720 and 57283 frequently bring up this bundling question in medical billing. It is important to know when to bundling certain Ob-Gyn medical billing codes and when to bill them separately. The current procedural terminology code 58720 (Salpingo oophorectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral) can be billed completely separately from a colpopexy (57283). This means that if your physician does both of these services at the same time, you can do medical billing for both procedures. There is no bundling.

New Codes For Home Health Medical Billing

New Codes For Home Health Medical Billing The Home Health consolidated medical billing list is being updated. In an effort to smooth out the changes of moving to a new coding system, there have been some new home health service codes added to the repertoire. In addition to five new medical billing codes, there will be three supply home health consolidated billing codes that will disappear. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services have made it clear that home health services are not being redefined. The services still mean the same things. The only reason medical billing consolidated codes are being added and dropped is due to the new coding

Avoiding Fraud and Abuse Charges in Medical Billing

Avoiding Fraud and Abuse Charges in Medical Billing Gainsharing in medical billing is highly scrutinized. The HHC Office of Inspector General is very suspicious about gainsharing activities with healthcare providers. There are three areas hospitals should focus on in order to prevent medical billing fraud allegations. Improper gainsharing agreements are borderline fraud in medical billings. The three things hospitals can do to prevent any fraud charges are having sufficient quality controls implemented, promoting accountability, and limiting payments that lead to referral pattern changes. If all three of these elements are satisfied, your hospital will have no problem providing trustworthy medical billing. Currently there is a CMP (civil monetary penalty) that

Get The Most Out Of Your OB Medical Billing

Get The Most Out Of Your OB Medical Billing For maternity, a global medical billing is the most common form of claim submission. This can get very tricky for the personnel in your office. Be sure to train your medical billing staff the correct way to bill global maternity claims. There are 6 medical billing tips for global Obstetrical care. First, be sure that your diagnosis code (ICD-9) range in the 640-678 numbers. These are the only acceptable ICD-9 codes for global maternity care. Diagnosis codes are the first step to a correct claim. The second tip also deals with the diagnosis code. Be sure you use the correct fifth

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