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Interoperability Questions to Consider During EHR Selection

Interoperability Questions to Consider During EHR Selection

Published by: Melissa C. - OMG, LLC. CEO on October 29, 2018

“Improving interoperability is the central focus of several CMS federal incentive program policies, ONC initiatives, and new partnerships between EHR vendors and health data exchange services providers.

Healthcare’s inability to achieve the level of seamless information exchange now common among other industries — such as banking — frustrates healthcare stakeholders across the industry. In a September 2018 survey, nearly 40 percent of physicians cited the current lack of interoperability in healthcare as a primary source of dissatisfaction.

While there is no silver bullet that will solve the interoperability problem overnight, there are steps healthcare organizations can take to improve their ability to exchange patient health information with outside hospitals, health systems, and providers.

A recent publication from the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) urged healthcare organizations to prioritize interoperability during the selection process to spur organizational improvements that may also ripple out to affect the industry as a whole.

Basing EHR selection decisions partly off of interoperability needs is one way healthcare organizations can improve their own ability to exchange data, while also increasing market pressure on EHR vendors to boost the data exchange capabilities of their products”…


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Published by: on October 29, 2018

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